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Northwood 5 Axis, 108"x192"x50" Z CNC Router, 2011 Very Low - $RFQ

Item Number: #00175469
Northwood 5 Axis, 108&quot;x192&quot;x50&quot; Z CNC Router, 2011 Very Low

Northwood 5 Axis, 108"x192"x50" Z CNC Router, 2011 Very Low
Stock Code:  3195
Price: $RFQ

Miscellaneous Metalworking Machinery

Year of Manufacture:  2011
Manufacturer:  Northwood
Model:  255 FAMT
Condition: Used

Very Low Hours 3900
Model 255-FAMT
Axes Travel
Y Axis (Left to right) bridge 192”
X Axis (Front to back) Worktable 108”
Z Axis (up and down) 50”
C Axis +517°/-115°
A Axis +/- 115°

Axis Traverse/Feed Rates

X Axis Rapid Traverse Rate 2,150 IPM
Y Axis Rapid Traverse Rate 2,150 IPM
Z Axis Rapid Traverse Rate 500 IPM
X Axis Maximum Machining Feed Rates 2,150 IPM
Y Axis Maximum Machining Feed Rates 2,150 IPM
Z Axis Rapid Maximum Machining Feed Rates 500 IPM
C Axis continuous positioning speed 30 dps
A Axis continuous positioning speed 30 dps

X, Y and Z Heidenhian Optical Scales

Equipped with:

Coolant Kooler Chiller
20,000 RPM
Booster System to 300 psi,
Graco Auto Grease System
HSK-63F Spindle
Fanuc F31i – model A5 Control
22 HP Liquid cooled Spindle
TCP for tool Center Point
Heidenhien Scales on X, Y, C, Z Axis
With fully enclosed purged housing
20 HSK F Tool Holders – Collet Type

Contact Seller

This machine is listed for sale by Kaste Industrial Machine Sales located in Enfield, Connecticut

Contact the Seller
Kaste Industrial Machine Sales
  1654 King Street
Suite 7
CT 06082
United States
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