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Machine Tools > Cut-off / Lasers / Flame / Plasma / Waterjet > Minnesota

Laser, Flame & Waterjet Cutting Equipment in Minnesota For Sale

7 new & used laser, flame & waterjet cutting equipment items for sale in Minnesota
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WE APOLOGIZE THAT THE PHOTOS ARE NOT ROTATED CORRECTLY. I AM UNABLE TO MAKE THAT CHANGE. Number Axis: 3 Table Area: 11” L-R X 7” F-B Approx. Travels: X-7” – Y-6.5” – Z-3” WITH: KDC-210 Controller Rof
  • Wattage: 0W
  • X axis travel: 7'
    Rofin-Sinar. Pre-owned/tested Circuit Boards for Rofin-Sinar SM CO2 Laser.
    Rofin-Sinar. Pre-owned and tested Circuit Boards for Rofin-Sinar SM CO2 Laser. For the Control P.C. rack and the SMPS (switch Mode Power Supply, IGBT type). Call for availability, 612-867-0295 , or email: franeklase
    2019 Fabtech Demo Profile Cutting System EHD 5000
    Sold in California! We can build you a new one!! Our 2019 Demo Plasma Cutting System. 10-feet X 40-feet processing zone. 400-amp Lincoln plasma power supply mounted on bevel station with patented no loop on corners
    THK Ball Screws X and y axis
    One is 10-feet in length, One is 5-foot length, $1,490.00 Plus Freight Re-balled with new properly sized ball bearings.
    Miller Spectrum 1251 Plasma Cutter w/ Plasma Torch and Ground Clamp
    Streblow & Sons Stock #RS-0331 Model: Miller Spectrum 1251 (Stock #907305-01-1) S/N: LK021421P Miller Spectrum 1000 Plasma Cutter Comes with ground clamp •Power Input 208/230/460/575V 3 Phase •Rat
    Telesis Dot Peen Laser Marker,
    Telesis Dot Peen Laser Marker, Model No. TMP1700/470, Serial No. 6670402509, Year Mfg. Please see attached PDF file for more information, FOB Elk River
    PCS Plasma Systems
    This is just one of the six: The PCS BHB is the ultimate machine. No other machine on the market offers a solution with as much emphasis on brute force, rigidity and capability. With options ranging from High Speed Dril
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