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Delta Woodworking Equipment in Arizona

11 new & used Delta woodworking equipment items for sale in Arizona
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Band Saw 14" CS w/Mob Base
Band Saw 14" CS w/Mob Base Model: 28-206 [Delta] S/N: 300620 14" Closed Stand Band Saw w/Mobile Base, Fence, Riser Block, Carter Bearings 1Hp; 1Ph; 115/230Volt
Band Saw 14" 1/1 Delta
Band Saw 14" 1/1 Delta Model: 28-212/52-977 [Delta] S/N: 01566010 14" Closed Stand Band Saw w/Rip Fence & Miter Gauge 1Hp; 1Ph; 115Volt
Shaper 3/1 3/4" spndl Delta
Shaper 3/1 3/4" spndl Delta Model: 43-379 [Delta] S/N: 99E47975 3/4" Spindle w/1/2" Router Collet & Extra Router Bits 3Hp; 1Ph; 230Volt
Sander B/D 6"x48"x12" C/S Delta
Sander B/D 6"x48"x12" C/S Delta Model: 31-735/52-625 Base [Delta] S/N: 300829/201114-OI1619 Belt/Disc Sander w/Wheels & Blower 1-1/2Hp; 1Ph; 240Volt
Delta 3hp shaper with one hp power feeder.
Delta 3hp shaper with one hp power feeder. 220v single phase. Runs great. Comes with Freud rail & style & panel cutters. Plus more. Comes with 3 spindles 1/2, 3/4 & router. American Made!
Drill Press 16.5" F/M Delta
Drill Press 16.5" F/M Delta Model: 17-900 [Delta] S/N: R8813 16-1/2" Floor Mount 3/4Hp; 1Ph; 115/230Volt
Motor 5/3 230/460V Delta
Motor 5Hp/3Ph 230/460Volt Delta 12/6 amp 3480RPM for Delta Unisaw
Motor 3/1 230V Delta
Motor 3/1 230V Delta Model: 83654 [Delta] S/N: T63BZF1157 Like New; Rebuilt 3Hp; 1Ph; 230Volt
Dust Connection for Delta 2000 Contractor's Saw
Dust Connection for Delta 2000 Contractor's Saw
Miter Gauge for Delta Shaper
Delta Miter Gauge for Delta 43-791 Shaper
Bandsaw 8"-10" Slide Guides
Slide Guides for 8" - 10" Band Saw.
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