20 gallon Pfaudler Glass-lined Reactor
Item Number: #
Stock Code: 7083
Price: $12,500
Subcategory: Reactors
Year of Manufacture: Not Specified
Manufacturer: PFAUDLER
Condition: Used

One used De Dietrich Clamp Top Glass Lined Reactor, 10 Gallon, 3008 Blue Glass, Vertical. Approximately 12" diameter x 14" straight side, dished clamp top, dish bottom. Internal rated 300/Full Vacuum psi at 500 degrees F., carbon steel jacket rated 150 psi at 500 degrees F. Will need to open to verify agitator, driven by Lenze variable speed drive, type 11.711.04.12, serial# 8877006/1064, 1hp, 3/60/208-230/460 volt, 1725 rpm XP motor. Approximate 2" Center bottom outlet. Mounted on 3 carbon steel legs. National Board# 4370, serial# 33671, built 1987

Seller Details
Business: Star Industries
Phone: 323-588-4141
Email: rich@starind.com