Cincinnati Milacron Monoset MT Tool & Cutter Grinder, 12" Swng, 6&
Item Number: #
Stock Code: Q11407
Price: $RFQ
Subcategory: Tool & Cutter Grinders
Year of Manufacture: 1984
Condition: Used
Model Monoset MT, S/N 4898A0184-0056, New 1984
Stock # Q11407

IF Your Monoset is Worn Out, This is the One You Want- It's Tight.
The Model MT is the Best and Last Model Monoset Milacron Made.

- Hard Chrome Ways
- Precision Ball Screws in all Axes
- Swivel Table
- Hand Wheels on Left and Right
- Bijur One Shot Oil Lube System
- Adjustable Workhead Tooth Rest
- (2) CB Grinding Wheels and Wheel Mounts
- (2) Standard Grinding Wheels and Wheel Mounts
- Index Plate with 12 Divisions
- Grinding Wheel Mount Mandrel
- Collet Holder for Workhead with One 1/2" Super Flex A Collet
- Full Set of Calibrated Double Adjustable Vernier Dogs
- Adjustable Worklight
- Grinding Wheel Mandrel
- Recent New Wheelhead Motor
- Grinding Dust Exhaust Hood
- Wheel Guard

Max Workhead Swing Over Main Slide....................... 12"
Max Workhead Collet Hole....................................... 1.25"
Min Workhead Collet Hole........................................ 0.12"
Min Lead Generated by Spiral Lead Mechanism........... 1.81"
Length Between Spindle Nose and Tailstock Center..... 6"
Max Grinding Wheel Diameter.................................. 4"
Workhead Main Slide Travel..................................... 5.75" L-R
Workhead Offset Slide Travel................................... 5.25" F-B
Workhead Front of Center Slide Travel...................... 3"
Workhead Rear of Center of Slide Travel.................... 2.25°
Workhead Turntable Swivel...................................... 235°
Workhead Above & Below Center.............................. ± 40°
Wheelhead Longitudinal Slide Travel......................... 6"
Wheelhead Vertical Slide Travel................................ 9.5"
Wheelhead Cross Slide Travel.................................. 7.5"
Wheelhead Spindle Speeds...................................... 4,000 | 5,729 | 8,000 RPM
Wheelhead Drive Horsepower................................... 1/2 HP
Workhead Spindle Speeds....................................... 1,425 RPM
Electrics................................................................ 460/3/60
Approximate Machine Dimensions............................. 56" x 42"
Approximate Machine Height.................................... 69"
Approximate Machine Weight................................... 1,800 LBS

CONDITION: This Machine Appears to be in Excellent Condition !
Seller Details
Business: Great American Equipment Co
Phone: 513-771-2111