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Used Feldmeier Reactors in California

7 used Feldmeier reactor items for sale in California
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1450 gallon Feldmeier Reactor w/ Agitation
One used 1,450 gallon Feldmeier Reactor, stainless steel, 6'6" dia. x 6' straight side with dishh top and bottom, 5 zone jacket rated for 50/FV psi @ 176 Deg F, vessel rated for 25 PSI @ 176 Deg F internal. agitated with
Aprox. 200 L Capacity Portable Feldmeier Reactor
One used Feldmeier aprox. 200 L Capacity Portable Reactor, Vessel MAWP, 45/FV Psi @ 300 F, Min. Design Metal Temp: -20 F @ 45/FV Psi, Jacket MAWP 90 Psi @ 300 F, Min. Design Temp -20 F @ 90 Psi, Nation Board #461. Proche
1450 gallon Feldmeier REactor w/ Agitation
One used 1,450 gallon Feldmeier Reactor, stainless steel, 6'6" dia. x 6' straight side with dishh top and bottom, 5 zone jacket rated for 50/FV psi @ 176 Deg F, vessel rated for 25 PSI @ 176 Deg F internal. agitated with
1050 gallon Feldmeier Reactor w/ Agitation
One used 1050 gallon Feldmeier Reactor, stainless steel, 6' dia. x 5'          straight side with dish top and bottom, 4 zone jacket rated 50/FV PSI @ 176 deg F, vessel rated
1050 gallon Feldmeier Reactor w/ Agitator
One used 1050 gallon Feldmeier Reactor, stainless steel, 6' dia. x 5'          straight side with dish top and bottom, 4 zone jacket rated 50/FV PSI @ 176 deg F, vessel rated
1050 gallon  Feldmeier Reactor w/ Agitation
One used 1050 gallon Feldmeier Reactor, stainless steel, 6' dia. x 5'          straight side with dish top and bottom, 4 zone jacket rated 50/FV PSI @ 176 deg F, vessel rated
1050 gallon Feldmeier Reactor w/ Agitator
One used 1050 gallon Feldmeier Reactor, stainless steel, 6' dia. x 5'          straight side with dish top and bottom, 4 zone jacket rated 50/FV PSI @ 176 deg F, vessel rated
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