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Coilmate Servomatic LTII Servo Feed and Control - $RFQ

Item Number: #00175502
Coilmate Servomatic LTII Servo Feed and Control

Coilmate Servomatic LTII Servo Feed and Control
Stock Code:  020072MS
Price: $RFQ

Roll Feeds

Manufacturer:  Coilmate
Model:  Servomatic LTII
Condition: Used

Coilmate Servomatic LTII Servo Feed and Control
S/N: C26380, Stock No: 020072
Model: Servomatic LTII (SMLT II)
Maximum Width: 4"
Maximum Thickness: 0.062" Mild Steel
Air Supply: 80-100 PSI

Equipped With:
Remote Jog Pendant
Pneumatic Roll Lift
500 Job Memory
Electrical: 100V, 15 Amps, Single Phase

*** Seller Will Pack Components for Common Carrier Shipment ***

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This machine is listed for sale by Pearl Equipment Co. located in Nashville, Tennessee

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Pearl Equipment Co.
  701 Broadway, Suite B03
TN 37203
United States
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