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Trumpf Trubend 3180 198 Ton CNC Press Brake - $RFQ

Item Number: #00176673
Trumpf Trubend 3180 198 Ton CNC Press Brake

Trumpf Trubend 3180 198 Ton CNC Press Brake
Stock Code:  43644
Price: $RFQ

Press Brakes

Manufacturer:  Trumpf
Model:  3180
Condition: Used
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Reference #43644
Trumpf Trubend 3180 198 Ton CNC Press Brake

Trumpf TASC 6000 CNC Control
2-Axis Programmable Ram
4-Axis CNC Back Gauge, R,X,Z1,Z2
Electric Light Curtains

Tonnage Capacity ...................... 198 Ton
Maximum Bending Length ................ 163"
Distance Between Housings ............. 145"
Stroke ................................ 7.87"
Open Height ........................... 24.2"
Throat Depth .......................... 16.5"
Speed, Rapid Traverse ................. 520 IPM
Speed, Working ........................ 23.5 IPM
Speed, Return Traverse ................ 520 IPM
Speed, X & Z-Axes ..................... 2,362 IPM
Speed, R-Axis ......................... 780 IPM
Main Motor Power ...................... 25 HP
Approx. Machine Weight ................ 35,280 Lbs
Electrics ............................. 460 V, 3 PH, 60 HZ

Trumpf TASC 6000 CNC Control
2-Axis Programmable Ram
4-Axis CNC Back Gauge, R,X,Z1,Z2
Electric Light Curtains
Safety Enclosure Including Rear Electric Roller Door

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This machine is listed for sale by Prestige Equipment located in Melville, New York

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Prestige Equipment
  35 Pinelawn Rd, Suite 203W
NY 11747
United States
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