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2010 LVD 135-4 - $RFQ

Item Number: #00176667
2010 LVD 135-4

2010 LVD 135-4
Price: $RFQ

Press Brakes

Year of Manufacture:  2010
Condition: Used

Model: LVD 135-4
Tonnage: 135
Max Bend Length: 171”
Max Stroke Length: 7”
Open Height: 17.70”
Throat Depth: 16.10”
Distance Between Frames: 148"
Control: LVD PC control
Axis: 5
Machine Height: 116”
Machine Length: 178”
Machine Width: 86”
Year Mfg: 2010

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This machine is listed for sale by Alternative Machinery Sales located in Bellport, New York

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Alternative Machinery Sales
  7 Sawgrass Drive
NY 11713
United States
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