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Blanchard 84" Rotary Surface Grinder - $RFQ

Item Number: #00176571
Blanchard 84&quot; Rotary Surface Grinder

Blanchard 84" Rotary Surface Grinder
Stock Code:  18350MS
Price: $RFQ

Surface Rotary Grinders Vert. Spdl

Manufacturer:  Blanchard
Model:  42-84
Condition: Used
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Blanchard 84" Rotary Surface Grinder
S/N: 9401, Stock No: 18350
Model: 42-84
Chuck: 84"
Chuck Life, Approximately: 3/4"
Distance Under Wheel: 30"
Segmented Wheel: 42"
Swing Inside Water Guards: 98"
Extended Head: 6"
Wheel Dresser
External Coolant With Tank
Motor: 100 HP

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This machine is listed for sale by Pearl Equipment Co. located in Nashville, Tennessee

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Pearl Equipment Co.
  701 Broadway, Suite B03
TN 37203
United States
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