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Altendorf F5 Edgebander - $55,000

Item Number: #00175481
Altendorf F5 Edgebander

Altendorf F5 Edgebander
Price: $55,000


Year of Manufacture:  2021
Manufacturer:  Altendorf
Model:  F5
Condition: Used

Very Clean edge bander with low hours. Machine is loaded with LED lighting, sprayers, pre-mill, end trim, top/bot trim, radius scraping, corner rounding, flat scraping and buffing.

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This machine is listed for sale by A.Sybz Cabinetry & Furniture, LLC located in Las Vegas, Nevada

Contact the Seller
A.Sybz Cabinetry & Furniture, LLC
  12424 Point Sierra St.
Las Vegas
NV 89138
United States
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