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Mitsubishi Diamond- 40 Ton 50" Bed 4-Axis CNC Hydraulic Press Brake wi - $RFQ

Item Number: #00175467
Mitsubishi Diamond- 40 Ton 50&quot; Bed 4-Axis CNC Hydraulic Press Brake wi

Mitsubishi Diamond- 40 Ton 50" Bed 4-Axis CNC Hydraulic Press Brake wi
Stock Code:  3190
Price: $RFQ

Press Brakes

Year of Manufacture:  2013
Manufacturer:  Mitsubishi
Model:  Diamond 40 Ton
Condition: Used

Stroke Length 5 .906”
Open Height 11.024”
Table Length 49.606”
Frame Gap 3.937”
Maximum Approach Speed 3.937” / S
Inertial descent to stop approach motion .433”
Total time required to stop approach motion 140
Backgauge Movable Range 19.685”

Equipped with:
All related Dies per photos
4-Axis CNC Control
Approx. 7000 Lbs.

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This machine is listed for sale by Kaste Industrial Machine Sales located in Enfield, Connecticut

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Kaste Industrial Machine Sales
  1654 King Street
Suite 7
CT 06082
United States
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