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LVD Strippit- 12 Ton 33" Bed 2-Axis CNC Hydraulic Press Brake 2014, 31 - $RFQ

Item Number: #00175466
LVD Strippit- 12 Ton 33&quot; Bed 2-Axis CNC Hydraulic Press Brake 2014, 31

LVD Strippit- 12 Ton 33" Bed 2-Axis CNC Hydraulic Press Brake 2014, 31
Stock Code:  3189
Price: $RFQ

Press Brakes

Year of Manufacture:  2014
Manufacturer:  Lvd
Model:  Strippit 12/8 T
Condition: Used

Pressing force 12 Tons
Stroke 5.9”
Distance table/ram 13.7”
Working Length 33”
Working Height 35”
Distance between uprights 31”
Gap (left side) 7.8”
Approach Speed 236”/min
Working Speed 59”/min
Return Speed 236”/min

Total Height 86”
Total Depth 46”
Estimated Weight 4000 lbs

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This machine is listed for sale by Kaste Industrial Machine Sales located in Enfield, Connecticut

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Kaste Industrial Machine Sales
  1654 King Street
Suite 7
CT 06082
United States
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