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Vollmer Width and Thickness Gauge with VMF 3/11 & VMF 3/22 Meters - $RFQ

Item Number: #00175412
Vollmer Width and Thickness Gauge with VMF 3/11 &amp; VMF 3/22 Meters

Vollmer Width and Thickness Gauge with VMF 3/11 & VMF 3/22 Meters
Stock Code:  31
Price: $RFQ

Preset Gauges

Manufacturer:  Vollmer
Model:  VMF 3-90
Condition: Used

Vollmer Width and Thickness Gauge with VMF 3/11 &amp; VMF 3/22 MeterThis gauge is used to measure width and thickness of your material. It came offline running and is in great condition. All original documentation and additional spare parts included.

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This machine is listed for sale by International Rolling Mills located in Pawtucket, Rhode Island

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International Rolling Mills
  81 Beverage Hill Ave
RI 02860
United States
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