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Nagel ECO 40-2 CNC Twin Spindle Vertical Honing Machine, 3 - 40mm Bore Size, 400mm Stroke, Allen Bradley Panel View Plus 1500 Control, New 2012 - $RFQ

Item Number: #00175301
Nagel ECO 40-2 CNC Twin Spindle Vertical Honing Machine, 3 - 40mm Bore Size, 400mm Stroke, Allen Bradley Panel View Plus 1500 Control, New 2012

Nagel ECO 40-2 CNC Twin Spindle Vertical Honing Machine, 3 - 40mm Bore Size, 400mm Stroke, Allen Bradley Panel View Plus 1500 Control, New 2012
Stock Code:  56036
Price: $RFQ

Miscellaneous Machinery

Year of Manufacture:  2012
Manufacturer:  Nagel
Model:  ECO 40-2
Condition: Used

CNC Control


Type of CNC Control

Allen Bradley Panel View Plus 1500

Bore Size

3 -40 mm

Bore Depth


Max Part Height


Spindle Speeds

100 - 1700 RPM

Number of Spindles

(2) Two

Spindle Stroke


Spindle Speed


Spindle Drive (Servo)

2.7 HP

Machine Weight

11,250 Lbs. approx.

Approx. Overall Dimensions

109" x 52" x 50"

Allen Bradley Panel View Plus 1500 CNC ControlsAB Servo Motors - Stroke ControlIn Process GaugingPost Processing GaugingRotary Index TableAuto Load/UnloadServo Controlled Tool Expansion SystemIntegrated with Gauging System for Auto Tool "Wear" CompensationTorque MonitoringCoolant SystemSPC Capabilty

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This machine is listed for sale by Orca Machine Tools, Inc. located in Fridley, Minnesota

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Orca Machine Tools, Inc.
  7901 Beech Street NE
MN 55432
United States
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