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Graymills Tempest 20S, 39"W x 34"D x 21"H Wk. Cap, 600 PSI, - $RFQ

Item Number: #00175158
Graymills Tempest 20S, 39&quot;W x 34&quot;D x 21&quot;H Wk. Cap, 600 PSI,

Graymills Tempest 20S, 39"W x 34"D x 21"H Wk. Cap, 600 PSI,
Stock Code:  51307
Price: $RFQ

Pressure Washers - Hot

Year of Manufacture:  2019
Manufacturer:  Graymills
Model:  Tempest 20S
Condition: Used

New - 2019
Serial No. 337316

Working Area............34"W x 39"D x 21"H
Part Weight Capacity - Maximum............500 Lbs.
Operating Fluid Capacity............8 - 15 Gallons
Spray Pressure - Maximum............600 PSI
Pump Power............1 HP
Heated Power............1,375 Watts
Heat Up Time 70°F to 120°F (Full Tank)............85 minutes
Machine Dimesnions - Approximate............44"L x 44"W x 66"H
Machine Weight - Approximate............550 Lbs.

(Optional) In-Tank Oil Skimmer
Inline High-Pressure Filtration
Air Blow Off Nozzle
Foot Switch
Elevated Drain Shelf

*Preliminary Specifications, Pending Confirmation

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This machine is listed for sale by Liberty Machinery Company located in Lincolnshire, Illinois

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Liberty Machinery Company
  111 Schelter Road
IL 60069
United States
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