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Monza 1500, 6.5"Ø Cap, 14"W x 20"Ø Whl, 40HP, Fanu - $RFQ

Item Number: #00175138
Monza 1500, 6.5&quot;&#216; Cap, 14&quot;W x 20&quot;&#216; Whl, 40HP, Fanu

Monza 1500, 6.5"Ø Cap, 14"W x 20"Ø Whl, 40HP, Fanu
Stock Code:  51283
Price: $RFQ

Centerless Grinders CNC

Year of Manufacture:  2014
Manufacturer:  Monza
Model:  1500
Condition: Used

Year Built - 2014
Serial No. 5606

Thru-Feed Grinding Diameter............6.5"
Infeed (Plunge) Grinding:
- Diameter............0.040" - 6.5"
- Length - Maximum............14"
- Accuracy............2 Microns (at 1.2" diameter)
Grinding Wheel:
- Diameter............20"
- Width............14"
- Bore.............10"
- Speed............1,200 RPM
- Power............40 HP
Regulating Wheel:
- Diameter............12"
- Width............13.98"
- Bore.............. 5.5"
- Speed (Inf. Variable)............12 - 280 RPM
- Headstock Feed Angles............-8° to +8°
- Headstock Slide Swivel Angles............0° to 5°
Allowable Workpiece Size:
- Diameter............0.12" - 5.91"
- Length............0.079" - 13.78"
Length for Infeed Grinding - Aximum............13.78"
Dimensions - Approximate:
- Grinder............75"L x 100"W x 55"H
- Control............27"L x 48"W x 51"H
- Loader............
Weight - Approximate............10,500 Lbs.

Fanuc 35i-Model B CNC Controller (Monza RETT.1500)
Hydraulic Dressers for both Grind and Reg Wheel
McAlister Design Automation Package ( job # PSC-1000) designed for loading 13" carbide Rods:
Elevating Hopper Loader, CNC axis controlled Gantry Parts Handler with fingers. Loader rolls the part down to fingers which act as guides. Overhead gantry moves part between wheels (reciprocates/oscillates at a programmed speed) Regulating wheel creeps in & out.
Operators Manual, Coolant Filtration Manual, Electrical Schematics

*Preliminary specifications, pending confirmation

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This machine is listed for sale by Liberty Machinery Company located in Lincolnshire, Illinois

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Liberty Machinery Company
  111 Schelter Road
IL 60069
United States
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