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Cincinnati 90 Ton Hydraulic Press Brake w/ CNC Backgauge - $RFQ

Item Number: #00175126
Cincinnati 90 Ton Hydraulic Press Brake w/ CNC Backgauge

Cincinnati 90 Ton Hydraulic Press Brake w/ CNC Backgauge
Stock Code:  18345MS
Price: $RFQ

Press Brakes

Manufacturer:  Cincinnati
Model:  90CBx8FT
Condition: Used

Cincinnati 90 Ton Hydraulic Press Brake w/ CNC Backgauge
S/N: 44696, Stock No: 18345
Model: 90CBx8FT
Capacity: 90 Tons
Max Stroke: 8"
Overall Bed Length: 10'
Distance Between Housings: 8' 6"

Equipped With:
Hurco Autobend 7 CNC Programmable Backgauge
Palm Buttons / Foot Switch

Contact Seller

This machine is listed for sale by Pearl Equipment Co. located in Nashville, Tennessee

Contact the Seller
Pearl Equipment Co.
  701 Broadway, Suite B03
TN 37203
United States
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