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Leeds & Northrup Homo Nitride Pit Furnace - $RFQ

Item Number: #00175172
Leeds &amp; Northrup Homo Nitride Pit Furnace

Leeds & Northrup Homo Nitride Pit Furnace
Stock Code:  MLNFX
Price: $RFQ

Miscellaneous - Furnaces

Manufacturer:  Leeds-Northrup
Model:  96702UB-36-10
Condition: Used


Catalogue Number #96702UB-36-10

Working Dimensions: 24” Diameter x 36” Depth

Maximum Temperature: 650 degrees Celsius / 1200 degrees Fahrenheit

Presently Wired For: 3/60/440V Operation

Overall Height with Lid Closed: 9’


Controls Updated by United Process Controls in 2017 at a cost of $66,000. Operators Platform. Transformer.

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This machine is listed for sale by Adams Machinery Company located in Lake Bluff, Illinois

Contact the Seller
Adams Machinery Company
  601 N. Skokie Hwy, Unit D
Lake Bluff
IL 60044
United States
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