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Pratt & Whitney 501 Universal Supermicrometer, 1-Axis, 0-11" Exter - $RFQ

Item Number: #00175136
Pratt &amp; Whitney 501 Universal Supermicrometer, 1-Axis, 0-11&quot; Exter

Pratt & Whitney 501 Universal Supermicrometer, 1-Axis, 0-11" Exter
Stock Code:  51239
Price: $RFQ

Measuring Machines & Systems

Year of Manufacture:  2005
Manufacturer:  Pratt-Whitney
Model:  501
Condition: Used

New - 2005
Serial No. USM-2075

Instrument Uncertainty............10 + 0.7L µin (±2 std dev)
Repeatability............4 µin
Resolution............1 µin
Measuring Range (Standard):
- External (Bi-Directional Probes)............0" - 11"
- External (Flat Probes)............0" - 5"
- Internal (Bi-Directional Probes)............1" - 11.5"
Direct Reading Range............2"
Measuring Forces:
- External............2 - 40 ozf
- Internal............2 - 8 ozf
Measuring Table Area............116 in²
Measuring Table Lift Range.............1.5"
Control............GageCal for Windows
Transducer............Linear Encoder
Electrical Requirements............115V/1Ph/60Hz
Dimesnions - Approximate............11"L x 28"W x 11"H
Weight - Approximate............100 Lbs.

Pratt & Whitney Bi-Directional Probes
Additonal Set of Pratt & Whitney Probes
Windows PC

*Preliminary specifications, pending confirmation.

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This machine is listed for sale by Liberty Machinery Company located in Lincolnshire, Illinois

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Liberty Machinery Company
  111 Schelter Road
IL 60069
United States
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