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Sierra Victor Industries

Sierra Victor Industries
610-B Oak Place
Port Orange
FL 32127
United States

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Sierra Victor Industries Company Overview

Sierra Victor Industries is your reliable source for new and used metalworking machinery and accessories. We specialize in plant liquidations and have an AMEA certified equipment appraiser on staff. You can buy with confidence as most of our used machinery comes with the MDNA 30 day return privilege.

Equipment Listings by Sierra Victor Industries

Viewing 501 - 520 of 1115 listings
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Photo: Machine Detail: Manufacturer: Price:
KALAMAZOO 2FSM 2 x 48 in. Belt SanderKALAMAZOO 2FSM 2 x 48 in. Belt Sander
CALL 386-304-3720 FOR AVAILABILITY FEATURES: Less motor, use your motor, 1/2 hp, 1725-3450 will do the job! Vertical thru horizontal positions

Port Orange, FL
United States
FLAGLER 16 ga. Heay Duty Pittsburgh MachineFLAGLER 16 ga. Heay Duty Pittsburgh Machine
CALL 386-304-3720 FOR AVAILABILITY FEATURES: This machine is designed for heavy gauge Pittsburgh locks. Complete with hardened feed gauge, 3 p

Port Orange, FL
United States
Mini Mandrel Attachment For The RDB-350 Tube BenderMini Mandrel Attachment For The RDB-350 Tube Bender
CALL 386-304-3720 FOR AVAILABILITY FEATURES: The Baileigh Industrial mini mandrel attachment allows anyone to adapt an RDB-350 tube bender into a

Port Orange, FL
United States
BIRMINGHAM Precision Gear Head Lathes YCL-26BIRMINGHAM Precision Gear Head Lathes YCL-26
CALL 386-304-3720 FOR AVAILABILITY STANDARD ACCESSORIES: 3-Jaw Chuck 4-Jaw Chuck Face plate Steady Rest Follow Rest T

Port Orange, FL
United States
BIRMINGHAM Precision Gap Bed Lathes YCL-32BIRMINGHAM Precision Gap Bed Lathes YCL-32
CALL 386-304-3720 FOR AVAILABILITY STANDARD ACCESSORIES: 3-Jaw Chuck 4-Jaw Chuck Face plate Steady Rest Follow Rest Threading Chasing Dial 1

Port Orange, FL
United States
BIRMINGHAM 10' x 3/8" Heavy Duty Hydraulic ShearBIRMINGHAM 10' x 3/8" Heavy Duty Hydraulic Shear
CALL 386-304-3720 FOR AVAILABILITY FEATURES: High carbon, high chrome shear blades Manual quick change blade gap adjustment Front controlled pow

Port Orange, FL
United States
BIRMINGHAM 8' x 12 ga Hydraulic Box and Pan Brake YouTube VideoVideoBIRMINGHAM 8' x 12 ga Hydraulic Box and Pan Brake
CALL FOR 386-304-3720 FOR AVAILABLITY FEATURES: 24" manual back gauge with slide and lock for all hydraulic box and ban brakes SPECIFICATI

Port Orange, FL
United States
TIN KNOCKER Box & Pan Brake TK 2248 YouTube VideoVideoTIN KNOCKER Box & Pan Brake TK 2248
CALL 386-304-3720 FOR AVAILABILITY FEATURES: Durable and dependable! The TK box and pan brakes give you all the features you would expect from qua
TK 2248

Port Orange, FL
United States
PRIMELINE 200 Ton x 12' CNC Hydraulic Press Brake S200B12 YouTube VideoVideoPRIMELINE 200 Ton x 12' CNC Hydraulic Press Brake S200B12
CALL 386-304-3720 FOR AVAILABILITY FREE SHIPPING! FOB WAREHOUSE MD FEATURES: DNC Servo Hydraulic Press Brake Forming System, Motorized WILA C

Port Orange, FL
United States
JET ELITE EVTBS-16V EVS Vertical Tilt Frame Bandsaw 891200 YouTube VideoVideoJET ELITE EVTBS-16V EVS Vertical Tilt Frame Bandsaw 891200
CALL 386-304-3720 FOR AVAILABILITY FEATURES: At the heart of every metalworking operation, there is a saw. Saws that are being challenged to c

Port Orange, FL
United States
BRAVO Hydraulic Round Elbow Machine YouTube VideoVideoBRAVO Hydraulic Round Elbow Machine
CALL 386-304-3720 FOR AVAILABILITY FEATURES: Bravo gore locking machine. Make your own elbows….and cost effectively! Consider the Br
Elbow Machine

Port Orange, FL
United States
BRAVO TF470 Spiral Duct Forming Machine YouTube VideoVideoBRAVO TF470 Spiral Duct Forming Machine
CALL 386-304-3720 FOR AVAILABILITY FEATURES: TAKE IT TO THE JOB SITE! DON’T SHIP AIR! You don’t want to ship already formed duct if possible, righ

Port Orange, FL
United States
BRAVO 6018 Rectangular Duct Line YouTube VideoVideoBRAVO 6018 Rectangular Duct Line
CALL 386-304-3720 FOR AVAILABILITY FEATURES: Make blanks, L, U section or full wrapper duct automatically & cost effectively Designed and Bu

Port Orange, FL
United States
BRAVO Ovalizer Duct Machine YouTube VideoVideoBRAVO Ovalizer Duct Machine
CALL 386-304-3720 FOR AVAILABILITY FEATURES: Bravo Ovalizer Duct machine Take the advantages of Spiral Duct…. but Ovalized! Easy Ins

Port Orange, FL
United States
JET BPF-1240 Box and Pan Brake w/Foot Clamp 752125JET BPF-1240 Box and Pan Brake w/Foot Clamp 752125
CALL 386-304-3720 FOR AVAILABILITY FEATURES: Precision and durability with innovative ergonomic features ensures ongoing accuracy and operation, w

Port Orange, FL
United States
TIN KNOCKER Manual Slip Roll TK 1648 YouTube VideoVideoTIN KNOCKER Manual Slip Roll TK 1648
CALL 386-304-3720 FOR AVAILABILITY IN STOCK AND READY TO SHIP! FEATURES: Built to last, this stout set of slip rolls includes two crank handl
TK 1648

Port Orange, FL
United States
U.S. INDUSTRIAL Hydraulic Press Brake USHB44-6HM YouTube VideoVideoU.S. INDUSTRIAL Hydraulic Press Brake USHB44-6HM
CALL 386-304-3720 FOR AVAILABILITY AND BEST PRICING! U.S. INDUSTRIAL Hydraulic Press Brake with Front Operated Power Backgauge and Power Ram Adjust

Port Orange, FL
United States
U.S. INDUSTRIAL CNC Hydraulic Press Brake USHB44-6 YouTube VideoVideoU.S. INDUSTRIAL CNC Hydraulic Press Brake USHB44-6
CALL 386-304-3720 FOR AVAILABILITY AND BEST PRICING! FEATURES: Ram Deflection Adjustment Massive Torsion Bar for Parallelism Three S

Port Orange, FL
United States
U.S. INDUSTRIAL Guillotine Hydraulic Shear US13750G YouTube VideoVideoU.S. INDUSTRIAL Guillotine Hydraulic Shear US13750G
CALL 386-304-3720 FOR AVAILABILITY AND BEST PRICING! EQUIPPED WITH: This machine has front operated power “go-to” backgauge with digital reado
US 13750G

Port Orange, FL
United States
U.S. INDUSTRIAL Hydraulic Shear US10750 YouTube VideoVideoU.S. INDUSTRIAL Hydraulic Shear US10750
CALL 386-304-3720 FOR AVAILABILITY AND BEST PRICING! EQUIPPED WITH: Material drop/support chute (This device makes it easier to retrieve shear
US 10750

Port Orange, FL
United States
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